Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, or simply Santa, is a legendary figure originating in Western Christian culture who is said to bring gifts during the late evening and overnight hours on Christmas Eve. He is said to accomplish this with the aid of Christmas elves, who make the toys in his North Pole workshop, and with the aid of flying reindeer who pull his sleigh through the air. Santa appears on Christmas themed episodes of Dora the Explorer and Go, Diego, Go!. His first appearance was A Present For Santa.
Santa has a white beard and mustache and he wears a red hat, red jacket, and black boots with white fur on the edges.
Dora the Explorer[]
Go, Diego, Go![]
- Santa Claus was voiced by Howie Dorough (a member of the Backstreet Boys) in "A Present for Santa" and Harry Chase in Dora's Christmas Carol Adventure, as well as the Go, Diego, Go! episode Diego Saves Christmas.
- Santa was popularized by The Coca Cola Company.
- In "A Present for Santa", Santa gets a character find first and only time, therefore he had the least Character Finds.
- His nicknames would be Father Christmas and Papa Noel.
- In "Dora's Christmas Carol Adventure", he talks in rhyme.
- The reason why he dislikes Swiper swiping on Christmas is because he believes it's not a good idea. Because in real life, he'll get in serious trouble for doing that.