(Hi, Diego! Where are we going today?)
There's Diego! And note that this is the first time that he is voiced by Brandon Zambrano after the departure of
Jake T. Austin.
"He looks like a penguin."
"But I'm NOT a penguin!" said the animal.
(Yep! A penguin can't fly.)
"This bird is a…?" explained Diego. Can YOU guess what it is?
So THAT is what this animal is!
Click's ready for work! "Hi, I'm Click the Camera!" she says. "We need to find fish for the baby puffin."
"Let's ZOOM through the ocean and look for fish!" Ready?
Are those fish?
NO! What ARE they?
¡CORRECTO! Seashells!
NO! What ARE they?
YES! They ARE! Look! The fish are at the Fishy Canyon! To take a picture of the fish, say, "Click!"
Click snapped the photo! "Got it!" she said. "Now, YOU tell Diego the fish are at the Fishy Canyon!"
"WHERE are the fish?" he asked.
"Look at all the fish!"
"I want to go there!"
"Wow! Wow! WOW!"
"Ooh, I love fish!"
"Wow! The fish!"
"Let's go there!"
but they're REALLY far away!
"We can do that if Click zooms WAY out!"
Now we have a map!
"Miren, we have to go
to get to the Fishy Canyon."