Dora the Explorer Wiki

The Robot Butterfly is a swiping robot butterfly built by Swiper that tried to swipe the present for Perrito, but failed. He then swiped Swiper’s bandana and gloves instead. It appeared in Dora's Got a Puppy and a 4D movie.

As the robot butterfly does not appear again for the rest of the episode after swiping its creator's mask and gloves, it is unknown what became of it afterward.

Voiced By: Kathleen Herles (Dora's Got a Puppy), Marc Weiner (Dora & Diego's 4D Adventure)



  • It can be stopped by saying "Butterfly, no swiping!" three times, to which it says "Oh man!" and snaps its fingers afterwards, similar to Swiper.
    • Theoretically, if one fails to stop it, they will say "Butterfly, no...", but will be interrupted by the Robot Butterfly swiping their items, and calmly finish their sentence with "...swiping!". Afterwards, the Robot Butterfly will say, "You're too late!", throw the item to a distant location, and say "You'll never find [[it/them]/[your/the/that/those] (items)] now!".