[We start the episode at the Animal Rescue Center.]
And here's Diego playing with a bunch of animals.
He hugs an anteater. ¡Hola, Diego! How are you?
He has a question for you: "Do YOU like animals?"
(Looks like all the animals want to know as well!)
Tell him your thoughts!
"I'm looking for my friend, Baby Jaguar."
"There's my Papi! He's an animal scientist."
"Maybe HE has seen Baby Jaguar."
"Papi, I've been looking for Baby Jaguar.
Unfortunately… "Sorry, Diego,
I've been up in the mountain with Aldo the Hawk!"
"We were watching hawks build their nests."
"I haven't seen Baby Jaguar,
"Let's all call to Aldo the Hawk!"
He noticed people down below.
"Aldo, I've been looking for my friend, Baby Jaguar. Have you seen him?"
He doesn't know EXACTLY where he is, so his best guess is… "He's down by the river!"
"I think MAMI is down by the river!"
"Maybe I should ask Mami!"
"She's an animal scientist, too!"
have you seen Baby Jaguar?"
"I've been out on the river
"Oh, NO! This little caiman is sick!"
"Do you see what's wrong with the baby caiman?"
"Yeah, his eye is red!"
"He's got an eye infection!" (YIKES!)
"I need to give him some eye drops."
"Mami is going to take GOOD care of you!"
"I better keep looking for Baby Jaguar!"
"I hope he's not in any trouble!" (We'll see…)
"Hmm, I wonder where Baby Jaguar is…?"
He hears a distressed meow.
It's Baby Jaguar! We found him!
Oh, no! Baby Jaguar is hanging on that branch!
(He IS in trouble!)
"HELP!!! HELP!!! ¡¡¡AYÚDENME!!!" he cried.
(Note that as of now, Baby Jaguar's meowing is accompanied by a realistic growling noise.)
"I'M COMING, BABY JAGUAR!!!" shouts Diego.
Reach out your hands to catch Baby Jaguar!
"Thanks for catching me!"
Look at the view from up here, Diego! This is where everything the light touches of what a wise animal said.
All the animals are cheering for Diego!
"Are you okay, Baby Jaguar?"
"SHE's an animal rescuer, TOO!"
"That sounds like an animal's in trouble!"
We gotta find out which animal is in trouble!
"We need our special camera Click to find the animal!" [Note that Click looks very different than her usual design.]]
Ooh, Click looks different today!
"We need to find the animal in trouble!"
"The animal in trouble sounds like
and listen for the animal!
Does this sound like the animal in trouble?
NO! That's a puma!
Does this sound like the animal in trouble?
Does this sound like the animal in trouble?
Yes! That's it!
What animal is it?
It's a whale, right! A humpback whale!
When a humpback whale dives, it bends its back in a hump shape.
REALLY BIG waves by splashing their tails!
And when they breathe, they spray out of their blowholes!
To take a picture of the humpback whale, say, "CLICK!"
"What animal is in trouble?"
Look at the picture and tell him!
"That's a BABY humpback whale!
And he's all by himself!"
travel with their mommies."
We've gotta see more of the picture.
He's stuck on a rocky island in the ocean!"
We GOTTA save Baby Humpback Whale
"¡Hasta luego, Baby Jaguar!"
"DON'T forget your Rescue Pack!" (Because he'll never know when he is going to need it.)
"Thanks, Alicia!" said Diego as he gives her a thumbs up.
"Clap your hands with me!"
Clap, clap, clap!
Clap, clap, clap!
Clap, clap, clap!
Clap, clap, clap!
To the rescue, my friends!
To the rescue, my friends!
¡Vamos, Diego, vamos! (¡Vamos, Diego!)
Go, Diego, go! (Go, Diego!)
"It's raining in the rainforest!"
through the swinging vines
without getting tangled in them!"
"I KNOW!" he said. (What is it?)
we can DUCK OVER the vines!"
He has an idea, instead of ducking down like normal, he can do it in a special way.
"Humpback whales bend THEIR backs when they dive under water!"
Can YOU bend YOUR back like a humpback whale?
Bend your back like a whale!
(Vines with…WHAT?!)
"And these vines have spiders on them!"
"We don't wanna bump into the spiders!"
We don't wanna bother the snakes!
Do whales live in the in the rainforest, the ocean, or the mountains?
Those are sand dunes! They lead to the beach!
We’re not allowed to walk on the sand dunes.
"I know! Rescue Pack can transform into anything we need!"
"To activate my Rescue Pack,
Say '¡Activaté!'"
(Try it!)
"YOOOOOOOOO!!! Rescue Pack here!" he says. "Diego needs something he can use to fly over the sand dunes!"
Will a raft fly him over the sand dunes?
Will a bicycle fly him over the sand dunes?
Will a hot air balloon fly him over the sand dunes?
Yes, it will!
"Now you tell Diego he needs a hot air balloon!"
"Whoa! My balloon won't go up!"
"Bobos! Bobos!" some monkeys laughed from above.
"Wait, Bobo! Wahaha!" they kept laughing. "Yeah, yeah, yeah!"
THAT sounds like the Bobo Brothers!
Those silly monkeys are ALWAYS causing trouble!
Bobos!" said the other monkey.
And they're bouncing on our balloon!
We gotta stop the Bobos, or we'll never make it to the baby humpback whale!!
Do you see any humpback whale spray?
"Whoa, look!" (Note that this scene was reused in the Wonder Pets! DVD trailer for "Save the Wonder Pets!".)
Giant, stinging jellyfish!
The jellyfish couldn't sting us,
"My field journal can help us find an animal who will scare away the jellyfish."
What animal can scare away the jellyfish?
"A turtle, right! A giant, sea turtle!"
"We can ride on the back of the sea turtle,
and she'll scare away the jellyfish!"
(Note that the orange cursor from "Let's Review!" clicks on it.)
Right there!
(cursor clicks)
"You found her! I know that sea turtle! Es mi amiga Tuga."
"Hola, amigo." (Hello, friend.)
nos puedes ayudar?" (Tuga, can you help me?)
"Tuga says she'll help us!"
(He turns his vest into a lifejacket.)
"So to tell Tuga we have to swim, we sing:
Go ahead and try singing it!
"Now, I'll sing "nademos," then YOU sing "nademos." Ready?"
"It's Alicia calling from the animal center!"
"Diego, you're being chased! You have to swim FASTER!" Alicia warned.
"Do you see what's chasing us?"
It's a pod of sharks right behind them!
Nademos! Nademos! Nademos! Nademos!
"We made it to the rocky island where the humpback whale is stuck!"
We'll get you back in the water!"
"Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!"
"Splashing the water made a little wave that moved you up!"
"Don't worry, Baby Humpback.
We'll get you to your mommy."
You are a great animal rescuer!