Dora the Explorer Wiki
Episode Info Transcript Gallery

Here’s the episode’s transcript.

(Dora and Boots are looking something)

Dora: Hi, I’m Dora. Do you like bugs? Boots and I are on a bug hunt. We wanna find some creepy crawly bugs just like the ones on my bug book. This is an ant, this is a beetle, this is a caterpillar.

Boots: Dora, I don’t see any bugs. No ants, no beetles, no caterpillars.

Dora: Boots, bugs are really small, but I bet I have something in my Backpack that will make the bugs look bigger. I need your help. Will you check my Backpack and find something that will make the bugs look bigger? You have to say "Backpack."

Boots: Say "Backpack"! Say "Backpack"!

Dora: I think you have to say it again.

[Backpack, Backpack plays]

Backpack: Backpack, Backpack Backpack, Backpack I'm the backpack loaded up with things that knickknacks too, Anything that you might need I've got inside for you. Backpack, Backpack Backpack, Backpack Yeah! (Song ends)

Backpack: Hola! I have lots of stuff, but Dora and Boots need something that will make the bugs look bigger. Will these make the bugs look bigger? Will these make the bugs look bigger? Will these make the bugs look bigger? [cursor clicks it] It will? Right, a magnifying glass makes things look bigger. Good thinking! Muy bien! Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. Delicioso.

Dora: Wow! This magnifying glass makes everything look so much bigger. Now we can find some bugs. Here, take a look.

[Close-up of the magnifying glass]

Dora: Do you see any ants? Where?

[Ants appear; one stops and makes a funny face in the glass]

Dora: Hey, yeah, there are the ants! Look, they're marching. Do you see any beetles? Where?

[Three of them appear and do a conga dance]

Dora: Ooh, they're dancing. Do you see a caterpillar?

[One appears inching across a leaf]

Dora: Yeah, look! The fuzzy wuzzy caterpillar is inching his whole fuzzy wuzzy body across the ground. Inch, inch, inch! Good bug hunting!

Voice: Bugga Bugga!

Boots: Listen, Dora!

Voice: Bugga Bugga!

Dora: Come on, let's go see.

Voice: Bugga Bugga!

Boots: There it is again!

Dora: It's getting louder! If you see a bug, say "Bug!"

Boots: Yeah, there it is.

Dora: What king of bug is that?

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: Bugga-bugga bugga-bugga bugga-bugga bah! Bugga-bugga bugga-bugga bugga-bugga bah!

Boots: It's a Bugga Bugga Bug, Dora!

Dora: And look, Boots. She's carrying a cookie on her back!

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: (Groaning)

[The bugga bugga bug got tired and drops the cookie onto the grass, she picks it up, but it slides down back and onto the ground again.]

Dora: Excuse me, Bugga Bugga Bug. But I think that cookie is too big for you too carry.

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: I've got to get home with this cookie. I've got to, I've got to! My poor babies are hungry. I've got to get home to feed my little Bugga Bugga babies.

Both: Aww!

Dora: Don't worry, we'll help you.

Boots: Yeah, we'll help you!

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: You will?

Dora: Here, I'll carry the cookie for you.

(Dora puts the cookie in her pocket (instead of Backpack) for safe keeping.)

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: Oh, thank you! Gracias! Gracias!

Dora: De nada. I'm Dora.

Boots: I'm Boots.

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: I'm Mami Bugga Bugga Bug.

Dora: Where do you live, Mami Bugga Bugga Bug?

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: I live in the Big Blue Bush.

Dora: We need to find out how to get to the Big Blue Bush so Mami Bugga Bugga can feed her babies. Who do we ask for help when we don't know which way to go?

Boots: The Map!

Dora: The Map! that's right. The Map can tell us how to get to the Big Blue Bush. I need your help. Will you check the Map to find the way to the Big Blue Bush?

Boots: Say "Map," say "Map"!

(Map pops out of Backpack)

Both: Louder!

(then flies up in the air)

(I'm the Map plays)

Map: If there's a place you gotta go, I'm the one you need to know. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map if there's a place you gotta get. I can get you there I bet. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map! (Song ends)

Dora and Boots want to know how to get to the Big Blue Bush so Mami Bugga Bugga can feed her babies. Well, I know how to get to the Big Blue Bush. First, you go through the Flowery Garden. Then you go through the Spider Web. And that's how you'll get to the Big Blue Bush so Mami Bugga Bugga can feed her babies.

Bugga Bugga Babies: Mami, Mami, Mami!

Map: So you tell Dora-- Garden, Web, Big Blue Bush. Say it with me. Garden, Web, Big Blue Bush. Garden, Web, Big Blue Bush. Garden, Web, Big Blue Bush! [zooms to the screen]

Dora: How do we get to the Big Blue Bush? (Three squares pop up in front of her) Garden, Web, Big Blue Bush. First we have to go through the Flowery Garden, then we go past the Spider Web. That's how we'll get to the Big Blue Bush so Mami Bugga Bugga can feed her babies.

Bugga Bugga Babies: Mami, Mami, Mami!

Dora: Thanks for helping! First we have to find the Flowery Garden. Do you see a garden? Where?

[cursor clicks it]

Boots: Hey, yeah! there’s the Flowery Garden.

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: Let's go!

Dora: Vamonos! Let's take the cookie to the Bugga Bugga Babies!

[Travel song plays]

Dora: Come on, say it with us!

Dora and Boots: Garden, Web, Big Blue Bush! (4x) [Running down a hill] Come on, ¡vamanos! Everybody let’s go!

Boots: Come on, let’s get to it!

Dora: I know that we can do it! Where are we going?

Boots: Big Blue Bush! Where are we going?

Dora: Big Blue Bush!

Both: Where are we going?

Fiesta Trio: Big Blue Bush!

Dora: Where are we going?

All: Big Blue Bush!

Dora and Boots: [laughing and spinning in a circle together] Big Blue Bush!

[They reach the garden]

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: Look! There's the Flowery Garden!

Boots: Yeah, there's Isa the Iguana!

Dora: Come on! Let's take the cookie to the Bugga Bugga babies!

Both: Hi, Isa.

Isa: Hi, Dora. Hi, Boots.

Boots: Isa, this is Mami Bugga Bugga.

Dora: We're helping her take a cookie home to feed her babies.

Isa: Nice to meet you, Mami Bugga Bugga!

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: Nice to meet you too.

Dora: What are you doing, Isa?

Isa: I'm watering my flowers. This is my whistling flower.


Isa: This is my dancing flower.

Isa: And this is my... Bug trapper flower!

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: Bug trapper?! Uh-oh!

(Bug Trapper eats Mami Bugga Bugga Bug)

Isa: Oh-no!

Boots: Open, open, open!

Isa: That won't work, Boots. The flower speaks Spanish. We have to say "Abre" to open the flower.

Dora: Quick! We have to get Mami Bugga Bugga out of the flower! Will you say "Abre"? Say, "Abre." Say it with us!

Both: Abre!

Dora: Louder!

Both: Abre!

Bug Trapper: Abre?

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: Thanks for helping. Whew, you saved me! Come on!

Isa: Good luck!

(Fanfare plays)

Dora: Yay! We made it past the Flowery Garden!

Boots: Where do we go next?

Dora: (Three square pop up in front of her) Garden, Web, Big Blue Bush. We made it past the Flowery Garden, so next comes the...

(Cursor clicks the web)

Dora: Web, right. The Spider Web. Now where's the Spider Web? Do you see a web? You do? Where?

[cursor clicks it]

Boots: Yeah, it's the web! It's the Spider Web!

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: Come on!

Dora: Vamonos! Let's take the cookie to the Bugga Bugga Babies!

[Travel song plays]

Dora: Come on, say it with us!

Dora and Boots: Garden, Web, Big Blue Bush! (4x) [Running down a hill] Come on, ¡vamanos! Everybody let’s go!

Boots: Come on, let’s get to it!

Dora: I know that we can do it! Where are we going?

Boots: Big Blue Bush! Where are we going?

Dora: Big Blue Bush!

Both: Where are we going?

Fiesta Trio: Big Blue Bush!

Dora: Where are we going?

All: Big Blue Bush!

Dora and Boots: [laughing and spinning in a circle together] Big Blue Bush!

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: Bugga-bugga bugga-bugga bugga-bugga bah! Bugga-bugga bugga-bugga bugga-bugga bah!

Boots: Hey, Dora, still have the cookie?

Dora: (pats her pocket with the cookie) Right here.

(Swiper rustling)

Boots: Do you hear that?

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: It's Swiper the Fox!

Dora: He's going to try to swipe this cookie. Do you see Swiper? Where? Right behind us?

Both: Swiper, no--

(Swiper swipes it)

Swiper: You're too late! (Throws the cookie away like a flying disc) You'll never find it now! Ha-ha-ha-HA!

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: My cookie! My cookie! That's for my babies!

Dora: Don't worry. We'll find your cookie. Will you help Mami Bugga Bugga find her cookie? Great. There are so many places to look for the cookie. Let's stop and think. What shape is the cookie? Round like a circle, right.

(Cuts to where Swiper threw the cookie)

Dora: So let's look for all the circles. Is this the cookie? Is this the cookie? You found it! You found the cookie!

Boots: All right!

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: Good looking! Vamonos!

Dora: Come on, let's take the cookie to the Bugga Bugga Babies!

(They reach the web)

Dora: Look! It's the Spider Web.

Boots: Ew, spiders!

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: I have to go through the web. My babies are hungry!

Dora: We can do it! We just have to watch out for the spiders. Will you help us het through the spider web? Great. Come on.

(they enter)

Both: Whoa!

Dora: We're in the Spider Web!

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: Look! There are four paths. A circle path, a triangle path, a diamond path, and a star path.

Boots: Dora, we need to find a path that doesn't have and spiders on it. Can we take the triangle path?

Spiders: Spiders, spiders,

Dora: The triangle path has spiders on it. We need to find a path that doesn't have any spiders on it. Which path doesn't have any spiders on it? (cursor clicks on the circle path) The circle path?

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: You're right! The circle path doesn't have any spiders on it!

Dora: Thanks! Come on, Boots!

Spiders: Aww!

(Fanfare plays)

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: Whew! That was close!

Dora: Thanks to you, we got out of the web without running into any spiders! (got icky or slimed on her hands) But ew! I got slimed!

Boots: (got icky or slimed on his hands) Me too. Goopy gloppy!

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: Ooey gooey!

Dora: We need your help. Will you help us get the sticky stuff off? Great! First put your hands together. Now slowly pull them apart, and say "Ewwwwww!"

Both: Ewwwwwwwwww!

(Dora, Boots and Mami Bugga Bugga Bug put their hands together and slowly pulled the sticky stuff apart)

Dora: Now shake your fingers. Shake, shake, shake! Shake, shake, shake! (Dora, Boots and Mami Bugga Bugga Bug shake their fingers until their hands are clear) You did it! You got all the sticky stuff off. Good shaking!

Boots: Where do we go next?

Dora: (Three square pop up in front of her) Garden, Web, Big Blue Bush. We made it past the Garden, We made it past the Web, so next comes the...

(Cursor clicks the Big Blue Bush)

Bugga Bugga Babies: Mami, Mami, Mami!

Dora: Big Blue Bush! Right! Now where's the Big Blue Bush? Do you see a Blue Bush? Where?

[cursor clicks it]

Dora: Yeah, there it is.

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: My babies! My Babies! Mis bebes!

Dora: Come on, Vamonos! (Suddenly, a big strong wind started blowing about. It caused Dora to spin like a tornado.) Whoa! That's a big wind!

Boots: (The wind blew Boots so far to the right.) Whoa! That's a big wind!

Dora: Mami Bugga Bugga! The Wind!

Boots: Look out!

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: Whooaa! That's a big wind!

(Wind blows Mami Bugga Bugga Bug away)

Dora: Oh, no! Mami Bugga Bugga!

Boots: Mami Bugga Bugga!

Dora: We have to find her.

Boots: We've got to help her take the cookie home to her babies.

Dora: Will you help us find Mami Bugga Bugga? Great. Listen to the sounds of the forest to find Mami Bugga Bugga.

Slugga Slugga Slug: Slugga slugga.

Wugga Wugga Worm: Wugga Wugga.

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: Bugga Bugga.

Mugga Mugga Moth: Mugga Mugga.

Slugga Slugga Slug: Slugga slugga.

Wugga Wugga Worm: Wugga Wugga.

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: Bugga Bugga.

Mugga Mugga Moth: Mugga Mugga.

Boots: I know! She's in the grass.

Wugga Wugga Worm: Wugga Wugga.

Dora: That's not Mami Bugga Bugga Bugga. That's a Wugga Wugga Worm. Where is Mami Bugga Bugga?

Slugga Slugga Slug: Slugga slugga.

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: Bugga Bugga.

Mugga Mugga Moth: Mugga Mugga.

[cursor clicks the flowers]

Dora: In the flowers? You're right! Mami Bugga Bugga! We found you!

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: Dora, Boots! Mis amigos! Come on, I've got to get home to my babies!

Wugga Wugga Worm: Good luck!

Slugga Slugga Slug: Good luck!

Mugga Mugga Moth: Good luck!

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: I'm coming, my babies! Mami's coming!

[They reach the Big Blue Bush]

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: Mis bebes! Mis bebes! My ten little babies! I'm home! I'm home!

Bugga Bugga Babies: Mami, Mami, Mami! We're hungry, mami.

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: I know you are. And thanks to my new friends, look what I brought you.

Bugga Bugga Babies: Ooh! Yay, cookie!

Dora: We need to break the cookie into 10 pieces so each Bugga Bugga Baby can have a piece. Count with us. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 10 cookie pieces. Now we can feed mami's babies.

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: Okay, mis bebes, line up for cookie.

Dora: Let's help Mami Bugga Bugga feed her babies. Count with us. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Ten pieces of cookie for 10 Bugga Bugga Babies.

Bugga Bugga Babies: Mmm! Gracias! (Burping) (Giggling)

Dora and Boots: (Both giggling)

Mami Bugga Bugga Bug: Thank you, Dora. (Kissing) Boots, (Kissing) And thank you! (Kissing)

Both: We did it!

(We did it song plays)

Both: We did it.

Boots: We did it.

Dora: We did it.

All: Yay!

Dora: Lo hicimos.

Backpack & Map: We did it!

Boots: We went past the garden.

Dora: And through the spider's web.

Both: We did it.

Boots: We did it.

Both: We did it! Hooray!

Dora: We helped Mami bugga bugga feed her babies.

Both: We did it.

Boots: We did it.

Both: We did it.

Dora: We did it.

Boots: We got all stick in the Spider's Web.

Dora: We found the big cookie and the...

Both: Babies got fed!

Bugga Bugga Babies: Yay!

Boots: Whoo! Hooray!

Dora: We did it!

(Boots whooping)

Dora: We had such an exciting trip today. What was your favorite part of the trip? I liked that too.

Boots: My favourite part was when we took the circle path in the Spider Web and got all icky.

Dora: My favourite part was when we yelled "Abre" to get the bug trapper flower to open. We couldn't have taken the cookie to the Bugga Bugga Babies without you. Thanks for helping.

(Cursor clicks)
