Dora the Explorer Wiki
Episode Info Transcript Gallery


Dora: Hi, I’m Dora! I’m fishing on the river. Do you see any fish? (Fish pop out) Yeah, there’s some! I hope I catch one. (Puts line in) Oh, I caught something! (tries to wind it up) Wow! It’s heavy! It’s too heavy! I need your help to wind up my fishing line. Will you help me wind up my fishing line? Great! Hold your fishing pole with one hand and make a circle with your other hand to wind it up! Wind it up! Wind it up! It’s working! Keep winding, keep winding! Keep winding!! Whoa! Here it comes! We caught a, we caught a...! What are they? What?! Oh, boots!

[All of a sudden, Boots thought Dora called out his name]

Boots: That’s my name! MY name is Boots!

Dora: Oh, (laughing) Hi, Boots! We were just saying what we found on the river! Look, it’s a pair of big yellow boots!

Boots: (laughing) Oh, boots! That’s funny! (keeps laughing while swinging back and forth) Boots, boots! Boots, boots! (laughing continues). I love my boots, I love my boots, I love my boots! That’s why my name is Boots!

(I Love My Boots plays)

Boots (singing): I love my boots, my boots and me! They help me swing from tree to tree. I feel so happy with them on my feet! We're best friends yeah my boots and me! I love my boots yeah my boots and me, I love my boots yeah my boots and me... Whoa!

(Boots' left boots (or his right from his POV) falls off and lands in the river, song ends)
Boots: Oh no! My boot! Dora my boot is floating away! Where’s the river taking it?

Dora: I don’t know. I’m not sure where the river goes.

Boots: (angry) But I have to get my boot back.

Dora: Let's check the Map. Maybe he knows where the river goes. I need your help! Will you check the Map to find out where the river goes? You have to say Map!

Boots: Say "Map"! Say "Map"!

(Map pops out of Backpack)

Both: Louder!

(Map zooms up in the air)

(Map theme plays)

Map: If there's a place you gotta go, I'm the one you need to know. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map if there's a place you gotta get. I can get you there I bet. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map. I'm the Map! (Song ends)

Map: Dora and Boots need to find out where the river goes, so they can get Boots' boot back! Well, I know where the river goes. First, the river goes under the bridge, then it goes past the froggy rocks. (frogs croaking) And then, it gets to the waterfall! So you tell Dora: Bridge, Rocks, Waterfall! Say it with me! Bridge, Rocks, Waterfall! Bridge, Rocks, Waterfall! Bridge, Rocks, Waterfall! (zooms to the screen with his closed mouth)

Dora: Where does the river go? (three squares appear) Bridge, Rocks, Waterfall. The river goes under the bridge, past the froggy rocks. (frogs croaking) And then it gets to the waterfall! Thanks for helping. (squares disappear) Now, where's the bridge? Do you see the bridge?

[cursor clicks it]

Boots: Yeah, there it is! Come on, Dora. Let's go get my boot. My boot, my boot, my boot. How are we going to get my boot?

Dora: We need something to ride on the river, them we can catch the boot. Do you see anything we can use to ride on the river?

(Cursor clicks the boat)

Dora: The boat, right. Good thinking.

Boots: Ooh, ooh, ooh, a boat, a boat.

Dora: But look, the boat has holes in it. It's missing some pieces.

Boots: Oh, no. Where are the missing pieces?

Dora: Do you see the missing pieces? Where?

[cursor clicks them]

Boots: Yeah, there are the missing pieces. Right there.

Dora: Great. Let's count the holes and then we can fill the holes with the missing pieces. Count with us.

Both: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

Boots: Seven holes.

Dora: Now count the missing pieces.

Both: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

Dora: Now let's put the missing pieces into the holes. Count with us.

Both: One, two, three, four, five...

Dora: It's that enough? How many more do we need? Two more.

Both: ...Six, seven.

Dora: Thanks. Good counting.

Boots: Yay! Now we can go find my boot.

(Swiper rustling)

Dora: Boots, did you hear that? We better watch out for Swiper the Fox.

Boots: Yeah, that sneaky fox will try to swipe our boat.

Dora: Can you help us look for Swiper? If you see the fox, yell "Swiper." You see Swiper? Where?

Boots: I don't see him.

Dora: Where is he now? Behind the tree?

Boots: There he is!

Dora: We need your help to stop Swiper. You have to say "Swiper, no swiping." Say it with us.

Both: Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping!

Swiper: Oh, man!

Dora: Thanks for helping us stop Swiper. Life jackets.

Boots: So we can be safe.

Dora: Come on, Boots. Let's go get my boot.

Boots: All right.

[Travel song plays]

Dora: Come on, say it with us.

Dora and Boots: Bridge, rocks, waterfall. (4x) [Rowing down the river] Come on, ¡vamanos! Everybody let’s go!

Boots: Come on, let’s get to it!

Dora: I know that we can do it! Where are we going?

Boots: Waterfall! where are we going?

Dora: Waterfall!

Both: Where are we going?

Fiesta Trio: Waterfall!

Dora: Where are we going?

All: Waterfall!

Dora and Boots: [laughing and rowing together] Waterfall!

Dora: We made it to the bridge.

Boots: But Dora, where's my boot?

Dora: I don't know, Boots. I don't see it. Do you see Boots' boot? Where?

[cursor clicks it]

Dora: Right. Look, there's your boot. It's on the other side of the bridge.

Boots: All right, let's go get it. Oh, no. this boat won't fit under the bridge. I got to get my boot.

Dora: Don't worry, Boots. The bridge can open up and let us through.

Boots: It can?

Dora: Yeah, we just need to find someone who can open it? Do you see anyone who can open the bridge? The squirrel? Right. That's Tico. Tico can open the bridge for us.

Boots: Tico, open the bridge, please.

Dora: Remember, Boots, Tico speaks Spanish. So we have to say abre. Say abre to open the bridge. Can you say abre? Say it with us.

Both: Abre!

Dora: Louder!

Both: Abre!

Tico: Abre? Si.

Dora: He said yes.

(Fanfare plays)

Boots: Yay!

Dora: We made it under the bridge.

Boots: All right.

Dora: Thank you for helping us say abre.

Boots: Thank you, Tico.

Dora: Gracias, Tico.

Tico: De nada.

Boots: My boot, my boot! Dora, where do we go next!?

Dora: (Three squares pop up in front of her) Bridge, Rocks, Waterfall. We made it under the bridge, so next we go to...

(frogs croaking)

(Cursor clicks the rocks)

Dora: The rocks, right! The froggy rocks. Now, where are the rocks? Do you see the rocks? Where?

[cursor clicks them]

Boots: Yeah, there they are.

Dora: All right, let's go.

[Travel song plays]

Dora: Come on, say it with us.

Dora and Boots: Bridge, rocks, waterfall. (4x) [Running down a hill] Come on, ¡vamanos! Everybody let’s go!

Boots: Come on, let’s get to it!

Dora: I know that we can do it! Where are we going?

Boots: Waterfall! where are we going?

Dora: Waterfall!

Both: Where are we going?

Fiesta Trio: Waterfall!

Dora: Where are we going?

All: Waterfall!

Dora and Boots: [laughing and rowing together] Waterfall!

Boots: I see my boot. I see my boot.

Dora: Careful, Boots. The river's going faster.

Boots: And my boot is going faster.

Dora: Look, your boot is going under those branches!

Both: Branches!

Boots: How are we going to get under the branches?

Dora: We'll have to duck down or we'll bump our heads on the branches. Will you duck your head so we can get under the branches? Great! When I say "Duck," duck your head. Here comes the first branch! Duck your head! Uh-oh, here comes another branch. Duck your head! Yikes! Duck! Oh, no, it's another branch! Duck!

Boots: Wow, we made it past all those branches.

Dora: Good ducking.

Boots: Come on, Dora. Let's go get my boot.

Dora: All right.

Boots: Let's go.

[Travel song plays]

Dora: Come on, say it with us.

Dora and Boots: Bridge, rocks, waterfall. (4x) [Running down a hill] Come on, ¡vamanos! Everybody let’s go!

Boots: Come on, let’s get to it!

Dora: I know that we can do it! Where are we going?

Boots: Waterfall! where are we going?

Dora: Waterfall!

Both: Where are we going?

Fiesta Trio: Waterfall!

Dora: Where are we going?

All: Waterfall!

Dora and Boots: [laughing and rowing together] Waterfall!

(frogs croaking)

Dora: Hey, Boots, do you hear that?

(frogs croaking)

Boots: Yeah, what is it?

(frogs croaking)

Dora: What animal goes, "Ribbit, ribbit"?

(frogs croaking)

Dora: Right, frogs. That must mean we're at the...

Both: Froggy rocks!

(all frogs croaking)

Boots: Uh-oh, those rocks sure look big.

Dora: We have to row around the rocks or we'll or we'll crash right into them. We need your help to row the boat around the rocks. Put your hands out in front of you and start rowing. Row, row, row! Row, row, row! Row, row, row! Row, row, row! Row, row, row! Row, row, row!

Boots: Whew, that was close.

(Fanfare plays)

Dora: We made it past the froggy rocks. Thanks for rowing.

Boots: Hey, Dora, look. I see my boot, I see my... My boot's gone again. Where is it going, Dora?

Dora: Bridge, Rocks, Waterfall. We made it under the bridge, past the froggy rocks and next comes the...

(Cursor clicks the waterfall)

Both: Waterfall. The waterfall!

Boots: Oh, no! My boot! It's going over the waterfall!

Dora: Uh-oh, we might go over the waterfall too!

(Boots gibbering)

Dora: We've got to row away from the waterfall! Now put your hands out in front of you and row, row, row! Row, row, row! Row, row, row!

Boots: But Dora, how are we going to get my boot?

Dora: We can't go over the waterfall! We need a way to go around it! I need your help to see if there's another way around the waterfall! Do you see another way to go?! You do?! Where?!

[cursor clicks it]

Boots: Yeah, look, a little river! It's like a water slide!

Dora: Everybody say, "Wheeeeeeeee!"

Both: Wheeeeeeeee!

(both laughing)

Both: We made it past the waterfall!

Boots: But where's my boot?

Dora: Don't worry, Boots. It we all work together, we can find your red boot. I need your help to find Boots' red boot.

(Cuts to where the boot is hiding)

Dora: First let's look for everything that is red. This is red.

(Cursor clicks)

Dora: That's a buoy. This is red.

(Cursor clicks)

Dora: That's a butterfly. This is red.

(Cursor clicks)

Dora: That's a fish. This is red. Is this the red boot?

(Cursor clicks)

Dora: Right, there it is.

Boots: There, there!

Dora: You found it. Good looking.

Boots: My boot, my boot! Now we can get my boot. I love my boot. I love my boot. I love... my... Whoa!

Dora: Careful, Boots. You almost fell in the water.

Boots: But my boot!

Dora: I think I might have something in my backpack that can help us get your boot. I need your help. Will you check my backpack and find something we can use to fish out the boot? You have to say, "Backpack."

Boots: Say, "Backpack." Say, "Backpack."

Both: Louder!

(Backpack song plays)

Backpack: Backpack, Backpack Backpack, Backpack I'm the backpack loaded up with things that knickknacks too, Anything that you might need I've got inside for you. Backpack, Backpack Backpack, Backpack Yeah! (Song ends)

Backpack: Hola! I have lots of stuff, but Dora and Boots need to find something to fish out the boot. Will this help them fish out the boot? Will this help them fish out the boot? Will this help them fish out the boot? [cursor clicks it] A fishing pole will help them fish out the boot. Good thinking. Muy bien. Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum! Delicioso!

Boots: The fishing pole. Great!

Dora: Now let's get that boot.

Boots: (Grunting)

Dora: Come on, Boots. You can do it.

Boots: I got it!

Dora: Good work. Now we have to wind it up. Will you help us wind up the fishing line so we can get the boot? Great. Hold the fishing pole with one hand, then make a circle with your other hand to wind it up. Wind it up.

Boots: It's working.

Dora: Keep winding, keep winding.

Boots: Here it comes.

Both: Yay!

Boots: My boot, my boot!

(Swiper rustling)

Dora: Oh, no. Did you hear that?

Boots: That sounds like Swiper the Fox. Oh, no. He's going to swipe my boot!

Dora: If you see the fox, yell "Swiper". You see Swiper? Where?

Boots: Oh, no. It's Swiper!

Dora: We need you to help stop Swiper! You have to say "Swiper, no swiping!" Say it with us.

Both: Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping!

Swiper: Oh, man!

Dora: Thanks for helping us stop Swiper.

Boots: My boot, my boot! I'm so happy! I love my boots! (singing) I love my boots, my boots and me! They help me swing from tree to tree. I feel so happy with them on my feet! We're best friends yeah my boots and me! I love my boots yeah my boots and me, I love my boots yeah my boots and me!

Both: Yay!

Boots: We did it!

(We did it song plays)

Both: We did it.

Boots: We did it.

Dora: We did it.

All: Yay!

Dora: Lo hicimos.

Backpack & Map: We did it!

Both: We went under the bridge and past the rocks

Both: Yeah, we did it.

Boots: We did it.

Both: We did it! Hooray!

Dora: We went around the waterfall Yeah, we did it

Boots: We did it.

Both: We did it. We did it.

Dora: We said abre at the bridge so we could get through

Boots: I lost my boot in the river

Dora: But we found it, whoo-hoo

Both: Yay!

Dora: Whoo!

Boots: Hooray!

Dora: We did it!

(Dora whooping)

(Cursor clicks)

Dora: We had such a fun day on the river. What was your favorite part? I liked that, too.

Boots: My favourite part was getting my boot back.

Dora: My favourite part was going around the waterfall. It was like a water slide. Whee! We couldn't have found Boots' boot without you. Thanks for helping.

(Cursor clicks)
